Launching personal website
I spent some time today and solidified my personal website ( I'm pretty excited about this website just because its a great demonstration of single page apps. Each of my main links doesn't actually take you to a different page - it uses a JavaScript routing engine (backbone) to load and display new content.
I do have some plans for the site, but there are so many more important things to deal with these days. But if I can get to them I want to start a picasa site and load images into the site using the gdata api (like how I load blog posts now) and also integrate with github to list out my repositories and activity.
I do have some plans for the site, but there are so many more important things to deal with these days. But if I can get to them I want to start a picasa site and load images into the site using the gdata api (like how I load blog posts now) and also integrate with github to list out my repositories and activity.